Bearingless Rotary Couplers

“Answering Industry’s need for Environmentally Safe, More Efficient and Overall Better Fluid Delivery Technology”

Productivity demands have driven advanced manufacturing technology to develop new machine tools with spindles that can operate at very high speeds and feeds. Cutting tool manufacturers have followed this with new materials and tool designs that can also operate within this high speed range.

However, much of the success of the machining process and wear life for the spindle and cutting tools depends on an effective high pressure coolant delivery systems that eliminates trouble-causing vibration. For many years bearing type coolant couplers have been used as the primary coolant delivery source for machine spindles. Now, Spindle speeds for these couplers have far exceeded the capabilities of even the best high speed ball bearings. As a result, these types of designs wear out quickly, induce undesirable spindle vibration, and cause leaking problems.

For this reason, Manutec, parent company of Bearingless Couplers Inc., designed, developed and patented the BCI bearingless coupler in 1991 to answer industry’s need for a better fluid delivery device.

“The Preferred Delivery Device”.

Today, this small compact precision component has become the preferred coolant delivery device for rotating machine spindle applications. It is smaller than bearing-type couplers, utilizing simple but precise mating carbide and ceramic sealing surfaces that rotate against each other. AS coolant pressure is exerted on the piston, it is held against the rotating spindle adapter, causing a sealing action between the housing and piston.

Technical Data

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Manutec BCI Bearingless Coupler Sales Video

Don’t see your model? Have installation or other questions? Please contact a BCI representative at 586-884-6377 or Email Stacey@Manutec-BCI.com